CG Carers
CG Carers was established in 2006 and has a successful history in the placement of experienced carers. The aim is to provide an affordable, desirable and safe alternative to living in a care home or moving in with family. Our services are available throughout KZN.
It is well known that the elderly would prefer to be in their own homes, in familiar surroundings and amongst their own personal things. Moving into an institution often causes much anxiety at the loss of independence, neighbours, pets and space.
We understand the importance of maintaining independence, dignity, and health and safety of the elderly. We continue to expand our services throughout KZN.

Do you have someone near and dear to you who needs to be cared for in their own home? Or perhaps you find yourself responsible for the well-being of someone who is elderly or disabled.
If so, please read on...
CG Carers offers a professional, home-based caring service, which is delivered in an efficient and empathetic way by compassionate carers and support staff. Working Together For a Quality Life is the cornerstone of our business.
CG Carers offers a one-on-one, live-in and part-time service to assist people in need of care and support, and who wish to remain in their own established and familiar surroundings.
The service includes:
- Assistance with the use of medical equipment (wheelchairs, commodes etc)
- Assistance with administering medication
- Mobility support and care of bedridden clients
- Assistance with personal care, hygiene, nutrition and health management
- Companionship (outings, mental and physical stimulation)
- Housekeeping, shopping, errands and meal preparation
- Transportation
- Liaison with family, reports and record keeping
Why choose home based care?
The principal objective of home care is the provision of support to enable people of all ages to be cared for in the comfort and security of their own homes for as long as possible.
This enables individuals to live full and independent lives, enhancing dignity, quality of life and "freedom-of-choice". People in need of care are often happier, healthier and recover from illness faster when living in the comfort and privacy of their own homes. Unlike being cared for in an assisted living facility, home care provides for personalised and flexible services. Care can be customised to meet each individual's unique health care requirments, whilst being sensitive to their emotional well-being.
How do I know when I might need a carer?
Many people find that as they get older, everyday tasks may become a little more difficult & that some extra help would go a long way. There are many signs that you or a loved one may benefit from a carer and here are some things to look out for:
Is assistance required for physical tasks such as walking, dressing, getting in and out of bed or the bath and is there a decline in vision or hearing? Can errands be managed alone? Have there been any recent falls?
Has there been an emotional or medical crisis? Is there weight loss, disinterest in eating, washing or changing, forgetfulness or problems with sleeping?
Is a disinterest shown in social activities, less involvement in conversation or the leading of a sedentary or solitary lifestyle?
Are there physical signs such as lack of cleanliness around the home, burnt cookware or burn marks?
Remember that a CG Carers consultant will be able to discuss these, and any other worries that you may have, enabling peace of mind that the best solution is found.
What are the advantages of home based care?
- Home care provides for one-on-one care and support.
- Home care keeps families together.
- Home care allows families to maximise their time spent together, without having to worry about the personal care duties and errands that need to be carried out.
- Home care provides respite for family members in need of assistance.
- Home care promotes recovery.
- Evidence confirms that patients recover from illness faster when living in the comfort and privacy of their own homes.
- Home care is less expensive than other forms of health care, and can be tailored around each family's needs and budget.
- Home care promotes "freedom of choice".
- Home care gives a patient an alternative to an assisted living facility, allowing them the opportunity to live in the familiarity of their own home and in the community in which they are comfortable.
- Home care allows patients to be in control of their own daily schedule.
- Home care allows patients to enjoy home cooked meals and their own preferred foods
How much does it cost to have a carer?
The level of care is discussed with our client during our initial assessment and the fee estalished accordingly. The cost of full time live in care is, usually, less than the cost of living in a care home.
What areas do you cover?
We offer live in care to clients in most areas of KZN and are able to offer our service in some parts of Gauteng.